Fourteen years ago, this little cutie looked more like the bruiser below......

Don't believe me....? leave a comment at the bottom of the page, there are plenty of people reading this blog who will enlighten you, and if their vision has faded with the years their olfactory memory wont fail them. when he entered my flat via the fire escape the stink announced him !!! green slime hung like kudzu from his tail and the ears had edges reminiscent of a Scandinavian coastline.
He wasn't a cutie by character either, more a collection of violent neuroses with fangs. a bemused veterinary student asked why i kept caring in the face of repeated attacks. the response bubbled up unsought.... "i can see the cat he could become if given the chance." throughout my life i had used up a host of chances so how to refuse this scrap of rejected fluff. my scratched legs would heal.
And they did..... though the scars remain. his many wounds, both physical and emotional, took much longer. it was easy to forgive his random onslaughts by remembering the abuse he experienced as a street kitten, as the root of aggression is often fuelled by fear. as the years passed he mellowed..... mostly, though it's still wise to treat the teeth and talons with a measure of respect and NEVER TOUCH THE BODY.
Vets warned me "he wont make old bones after such a poor start." malnutrition had caused blackouts that could potentially lead to brain damage. calcium depletion would weaken bone. mineral and vitamin insufficiency would leave vital organs prone to early failure. he might be a beast but not for very long.
Fourteen years later !!! ..... his nine and a half lives have been used up and he's dying..
The old kidneys are packing in. he's tired and at times depressed. the medication is helping keep symptoms under control but it's only buying some time so pesky emotions can catch up with rational thought before it's time to let him go.
Friends ask if i'll have another furry.... oh yes, life would feel rather empty without one. the plan is to foster. look after the companions of those who are unable to fulfil that responsibility for whatever reason. perhaps older cats who need a quiet place to end their days or short term care when a fur-baby's human is in hospital or on holiday.
The furry creature has given me so much pleasure and entertainment over two decades it seems churlish not to share the love.
Fourteen years later !!! ..... his nine and a half lives have been used up and he's dying..
The old kidneys are packing in. he's tired and at times depressed. the medication is helping keep symptoms under control but it's only buying some time so pesky emotions can catch up with rational thought before it's time to let him go.
Friends ask if i'll have another furry.... oh yes, life would feel rather empty without one. the plan is to foster. look after the companions of those who are unable to fulfil that responsibility for whatever reason. perhaps older cats who need a quiet place to end their days or short term care when a fur-baby's human is in hospital or on holiday.
The furry creature has given me so much pleasure and entertainment over two decades it seems churlish not to share the love.