I find the longer my sojourn on this spinning orb of water and rock the more friends are gathered along the way. everybody needs a hobby and i collect humans. so, not simply the "crazy cat lady" but also the "crazy people person".........though it has to be admitted that cats are far cuter and much funnier on video.
When i look on Friends Reunited there isn't a single name i recognise and the few people of my year i've messaged don't remember me either. of course you know my theory don't you?......... i'm actually an alien...... the mother ship left me here to improve and will come back once they think i've ceased to be a disruptive influence.......ok.......it's probably that my generation are less likely to be computer literate........but that's boring.
Throughout adulthood there have been friends who have moved on, or i've had a bout of gypsy feet and left them behind. some i still miss and regret not making an effort to keep the connection, some were probably best left and forgotten, and others i don't even remember to forget.......or should that be forget to remember........i can't remember.
Occasionally though there are those special faces who leave for a while......sometimes a long while.........and then life takes one of those strange twisty, twirly, turns and they re-appear, and that twist becomes a time warp, and the time warp becomes a grand reunion, and the grand reunion steps back onto the conveyer belt of time and it's like those years between had never passed and you had shared this universe without ceasing.
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