What we are as adults is strongly coloured by the events and people in our lives during our troubled teen years. that time of tantrums and tears, experiment and excitement, angst and agony. go on.....admit that you remember what it was like......that time when you were groping around trying on various hats, testing them to find the one that was the perfect shape. tossing authority style titfers out of your pram with the disgust only an adolescent can adequately achieve.....ohhh yes.....i KNOW you remember !
"Put on yer Titfer and let's go for a Ball of Chalk."
Often, lonesome teens find a parent substitute, a person with a lifestyle that's a pendulum swing away from home, someone exotic, different, a person they can practise being human with, who will open doors previously so closed their existence was as unknown as an intergalactic wormhole. someone bearing the perfect hat, a hat that can be worn with pride, a hat seemingly moulded precisely for that moment, a once in a lifetime time fit. once that hat is perched on the pubescent head it can play it's part in forming the future adult.
But.......what happens if the recipient of aforesaid titfer emerges from this process wearing an Ascot Ladies Day type creation, as i did, rather than a sensible beret or boater? What happens is.......you conform or......YOU SHINE !!!!
The hat that found me was made of satin and velvet, with sequins and embroidery and peacock feathers waving aloft. it glittered and sparkled with fairy dust and i wore stars on my brow, the moon in my hair.......or.......maybe........that was simply too much hallucinogen!!!!
Whatever headgear embraced you, moulded you, is you. whether it's a cap, trilby, or top hat if it feels right then it is right......for you. some of the saddest people i've known are those who are exhausted by a lifetime of attempting to squeeze their noddle into somebody else's idea of the correct millinery......result? chronic migraine.
You are a very very clever lady my friend xx Val
I suggest a Mad Hatters tea party!
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